Monday, November 19, 2012

Mongo Bits Report Shows Aluminum 75S Clips at $.628

November 19 2012 - Aluminum 75S Clips at $.628 from Scrap Exchange

Alum 63S Solids$0.697
Alum 75S Borings and Turnings$0.465
Alum 75S Clips$0.628
Alum Borings and Turnings$0.410
Alum Can (UBC)$0.624
Alum Cast$0.605
Alum Old Sheet$0.592
Alum Siding – Painted$0.580
Alum Utensils$0.525
Copper Clips Low Mixed$0.627
Copper Clips Low Segregated$0.670
Mixed Clips$0.626